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Recent Publications

Greenberg, JM, O'Neill-Jones, P. (2004). Bringing Media Rich Content to On-line Learning. In Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2004 (pp. 155-158). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.


Interview - CNI Autumn Task Force Meeting, 18 December, 2006 .

Interview - What does it mean to be educated in the 21st Century, Open EdTech Summit 10, 11 November, 2008, Barcelona. Published by UOC, Office of Learning Technologies

Greenberg, JM. Code, Community and Commerce for OSL, Proceedings of the VI International Seminar of the UNESCO chair in e-Learning on Open Social Learning, May 2010, Barcelona .

See also:


Greenberg, JM, Gordon Welchman Bletchley Park’s Architect of Ultra Intelligence, Frontline Books, October 2013.


Greenberg, JM, The Enigma Machine, Chapter 10  in The Turing Guide, Oxford University Press, 2017.


Greenberg, JM, Bletchley Park, From Secret Intelligence Centre to World Class Heritage Site, RAF Federation Families Magazine, Spring Edition, 2015.  


Greenberg, JM, Bletchley Park, From Secret Intelligence Centre to World Class Heritage Site, Envoy Magazine, Spring, 2015.


Greenberg, JM. Alan Turing: The Man, the Enigma, BBC History Magazine, October 2015.


Greenberg JM, Alan Turing,: The Man, the Enigma, The Secret History of Spies, BBC History Magazine Collector’s Edition, October 2015.


Welchman, G, Greenberg, JM, Ultra revisited, a tale of two contributors, Intelligence and National Security, 3, no. 2 (2017): [Taylor & Francis Online].


Welchman, G, Greenberg, JM, How I came to write The Hut 6 Story, Intelligence and National Security, 33, no. 1 (2018): [Taylor & Francis Online].


Greenberg, JM, Alastair Denniston, Code-breaking from Room 40 to Berkeley Street and the Birth of GCHQ, Frontline Books, September 2017.


Greenberg, JM, The Bletchley Park Codebreakers: in their own words, Greenhill Books, October 2022.


Other Publications

Edwards, JB,  Greenberg, JM, Longitudinal interactions in multipass processes, Proceedings of the IEE Vol. 124, No. 4, April 1977.


Reid, CN, Greenberg, JM.  An exercise in materials selection with help from a PET, The Metallurgist and Materials technologist, 12,7 pp. 385-387, July 1980.


Greenberg, JM, Reid, CN.  A simple design task (with the aid of a microcomputer), Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Engineering Software, London, England, pp. 926-941, 1981.


Greenberg, JM,  Every, IM, Franklin, J.  A computer to videotape interface for computer animation, Proceedings of Computer Graphics 83, London, England, pp 205-217, October, 1983.


Greenberg, JM.  Computer Animation In Distance Teaching, Proceedings of Graphics Interface 85, Montreal, Canada, pp. 419-423, May, 1985.


Greenberg, JM.  Computer Animation in Distance Teaching Computer-Generated Images, The State of the Art, Springer-Verlag, 1985, pp. 260-266.


Greenberg, JM, Saunders, D.  The Cavity Computer Animation System, Proceedings of Computer Graphics and Simulation, London, England, April, 1966.


Bromilow, TM, Daniels, J, Greenberg, JM.  The Home Microcomputer as an Aid to Distance Teaching,  Proceedings of the International Congress on  Educational Computing In Mathematics, Rome, Italy, June 1987.


Greenberg, JM.  Computer animation: direct to video, Proceedings of Computer Graphics 87, London, England, October, 1987.


Greenberg, JM.  Animating mathematical and scientific concepts, Proceedings of Computer Graphics 89,  London, England, November, 1989.


Greenberg, JM. Educational Applications in Computing, Academic Computing Service Publication, 1991.


Greenberg, JM.  Implementation of the Home Computing Policy---A Case Study, Academic Computing Service Report, 1991.


Butcher, PG, Greenberg, JM.   Educational computing at the Open University: the second decade, Education & Computing, Vol.8, pp201-215, January, 1992.


Greenberg, JM.  Book Review, Computers and Education, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp 396, 1992.


Greenberg, JM. Integrating Multimedia into a Student's Learning Environment, Proceedings of the East-West Conference on Emerging Computer Technologies in Education, Moscow, Russia, 1992.


Greenberg, JM. Educational Applications in Computing, Academic Computing Service Publication, 1993.


Greenberg, JM.  Developing Multimedia Learning Environments for Distance Teaching, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Technologies in Education, Kiev, Ukraine, 1993.


Greenberg, JM.  Multimedia and the Open University, Proceedings of the Conference on Multimedia in Higher Education: Portability and Networking, Abingdon, England, 1993.


Greenberg, JM.  Developing Integrated Multimedia Applications for Distance Teaching, Proceedings of MEDIAactive Conference on Harnessing Multimedia for Higher Education, Liverpool, England, 1994.


Greenberg, JM.  Integrated Multimedia in Distance Education, Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 94: World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, Vancouver, Canada, 1994.


Greenberg, JM.  Integrated Multimedia in Distance Education, Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia Annual, AACE, 1994.


Greenberg, JM.  Producing Integrated Multimedia Teaching Material, Proceedings of the East-West Conference on Computer Technologies in Education, Yalta, Crimea, 1994.


Greenberg, JM.  The Role of Multimedia in a Student’s Learning Experience, Proceedings of the East-West International Conference on Multimedia, Hypermedia and Virtual Reality, Moscow, Russia, 1994.


Greenberg, JM.  Integrated Multimedia in Distance Education, Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 95: World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, Graz, Austria, June 1995.


Greenberg, JM.  Producing Integrated Multimedia Teaching Material, Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 95: World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, Graz, Austria, June 1995.


Greenberg, JM.  Bringing the New Technologies to Distance Learning: A British Perspective, Selected papers from the 6th National Conference on College Teaching and Learning, Jacksonville, USA, 1995.


Greenberg, JM.  “On the Open highway in search of serious money”, The Times Higher Education Supplement, Issue 11, April 7, 1995.


Greenberg, JM.  Producing Integrated Multimedia Teaching Material for Distance Education, Panta Rhei, Najaarsmanifestatie, Zwolle, Holland,  November 1995.


Jones, A, Scanlon, E, Tosunoglu, C. Ross, S, Butcher, P, Murphy P and Greenberg, JM.  Evaluating CAL at the Open University: 15 years on, Computers and Education, Vol. 26, No. 1-3, pp.5-15, 1996.


Jones, A, Scanlon, E, Tosunoglu, C, Ross, S, Butcher, P, Murphy, P and Greenberg, JM.  Evaluating CAL at the Open University: 15 years on, Computer Assisted Learning, Selected Contributions from the CAL 95 Symposium, Pergamon, 1996.


Greenberg, JM.  Report on the Internet Broadcast of the Tracking Technology for Academic Advantage Colloquium, Internal Open University Report, June, 1996.


Greenberg, JM. Creating Computer Based Learning for Distance Education,  Proceedings of the International Conference on Distance and Open Learning, Penang, Malaysia, February, 1997.


Greenberg, JM.  Internet Broadcasting in Distance Education, Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 97: World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, Calgary, Canada, June 1997.


Scanlon, E, Tosunoglu, C, Jones, A, Butcher, P, Ross, S, Greenberg, JM, Taylor, J, Murphy, P.  Learning With Computers; Experiences of Evaluation, Computers and Education, Vol. Xx, No, x, pp 1-6, 1998.


Greenberg, JM.  Integrating Media and On-line Teaching: Creating a Third Generation Open University, Proceedings of IL98 for Higher Education, Interactive Learning Research and Development, Edinburgh, August, 1998.


Jones, A, Scanlon, E, Tosunoglu, C, Morris, E, Ross, S, Butcher, P, Greenberg, JM.  Contexts for evaluating educational software, Interacting with Computers, No. 11, pp. 499-516, 1999.


Greenberg, JM.  The role of IT in reshaping university teaching post-Dearing, UCISA 1999 Management Conference, UCISA web site at, Harrogate, March, 1999.


Greenberg, JM. The Role of DVD in Distance Education, Proceedings of DVD Summit 2, published on DVD, Dublin, 1999.


Greenberg, JM.  The British Open University Approach to Online Learning, Fourth Monograph from the Pew Symposia on Learning and Technology, Innovations in Online Learning: Moving Beyond No Significance Difference, Phoenix, Arizona,  December 2000.


Greenberg, JM. A Hybrid System for Delivering Web Based Distance Learning and Teaching Material, Informatica 25 , pp 155-158, 2001.


Greenberg, JM.  A Hybrid System for Delivering Web Based Distance Learning and Teaching Material, "The Changing Universities - The Role of Technology” The 7th International Conference of European University Information Systems, "Lecture Notes in Informatics" of the  German Informatics Society (GI), pp 331, 2002.


Greenberg, JM.  The Connected DVD – a New Force in Distance Education, Proceedings of DVD Summit IV, to be published on DVD, Dublin 2002.


Image: Joel Greenberg signing the Visitors Book at GCHQ, reproduced by kind permission of the Director, GCHQ.

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